Tag Archives: meggins

Meggings… My trend obsession

The growing trend of active wear and general workout clothes blending, not only practical use, but fashion and individual style has found a natural home at Meggings


What are they you may ask… the best way to describe them are leggings for men, YES, you read correct… and I LOVE them!!
As the 21st century man becomes both more metrosexual and well-groomed, the once well-defined gender fashion barrier is slowly eroding.
“Male fashion is becoming more extreme on the catwalk and the high street ( London terminology) is evolving to keep up.

Meggings are all over the catwalk...
Meggings are all over the catwalk…

It’s not a trend that every guy will jump at, not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you wear them I applaud you… I think meggings are one of those trends that say “ I don’t care what you think I’m going to wear them anyway”.

There are a few fashion forward people I follow and look up to on Instagram and the day I ordered my meggings I saw Apostolos Andreas and Trevor Ntombela rocking theirs…find them on Instagram, these guys know style…. @apostolos¬_andreas and @trevor_itboy, another man that also kills the meggings trend is Brett Rogers, better known as @BRRROGERS, he killed meggings at the AugustineGold launch.

@apostolos_andreas and @trevor_itboy owning the meggings trend!
@apostolos_andreas and @trevor_itboy owning the meggings trend!
@BRRROGERS killing meggings at the Augustine Gold event
@BRRROGERS killing meggings at the Augustine Gold event

If you think you can do it, get meggings… I have one pair and as soon as I land in London next I will be getting another pair… my eyes are on the BOY meggings at Selfridges. Stay tuned for more megging love…

Man BUn and Meggings. Meegings from ASOS, Shirt TopMan, Jacket from StacheSA and Sneakers Nike Air Max
Man Bnn and Meggings. Meggings from ASOS, Shirt TopMan, Jacket from StacheSA and Sneakers Nike Air Max


My next Megging purchase.. BOY LONDON from Selfridges
My next Megging purchase.. BOY LONDON from Selfridges

Images that are not me are not my own. Images taken from @Apostolos_Andreas and from Augustine