All I want to do is see the World!

See, this is what happens, I get busy, life gets manic and I have no time to blog… but the iPad is back so no excuses!

(Writing this while flying over SA)

This is the first time I have been on a plane in 2016 and the excitement never gets old, yes it’s only Cape Town , but it’s still somewhere!

I am lucky enough that I do get to travel often and all over the world, but even before I starred working at Virgin Atlantic I had dreams off seeing the world.

I was talking to a friend the other day about traveling and the joy you get from it, the feeling of a foreign place, the way your heart skips a beat when the wheels touchdown, the excitement of exploring a city no matter how many times you have been there!

Do you know what I am confused about?the people that don’t feel this, the lack of wanderlust. It breaks my heart that people don’t want to see what’s out there. There is only so much one can grow being stuck in one place. It’s like a pot plant, the plant will never grow to its full potential if it’s never taken out of the pot and planted in a bigger one, in a flowered.I’m not asking that people go all over the world, I’m asking people to just get a passport, take the first step. Get in the car and drive somewhere. See new places, try new things.

My big boss, Sir Richard Branson once said “there isn’t a flight that goes by when I don’t stare out the window and thank my stars for what I am seeing and feeling”. I agree with him, I love that feeling!


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