Tag Archives: travel

Packing is a fine art!

I have blogged about this on my page before, on other blogs and given my tips to magazines. With the amount of traveling I do, I think I have finally got my packing down to a tee.

Before I started working at virgin Atlantic I would throw things into a bag without even planning and then throw extra just in case. Now my packing isn’t done until everything is completely worked out, a plan of action is in place!

The planning process actually takes longer than packing but when you jet off it’s all done and ready saving you time and headaches when you get there.

Here is a sneak peak into what happens. Tomorrow I am off to London, for 1 night, yes one night, 2 days but that requires 4 outfit changes, then off to Dubai for a week, where its work but it often turns into a bit of a social meeting with my friends from the rest of the world.In London I keep it simple, it’s black, more black, planned black topped off with black. Black always makes someone look stylish, and in London everyone is way more stylish than us down in SA!Every outfit is planned from head to toe and I do not or rather cannot change my mind. It also allows me that extra 10 Minute sleep in.


Here’s a snap of my plan, the whole outfit goes into the bag together, then when I reach my destination, all unpacked, on hangers in the bathroom with the shower on full, so it gives it a steam for me.


Il keep you up to date on the trip, this one is going to be an exciting one. Check in tomorrow where I will let you know what’s happening!


All I want to do is see the World!

See, this is what happens, I get busy, life gets manic and I have no time to blog… but the iPad is back so no excuses!

(Writing this while flying over SA)

This is the first time I have been on a plane in 2016 and the excitement never gets old, yes it’s only Cape Town , but it’s still somewhere!

I am lucky enough that I do get to travel often and all over the world, but even before I starred working at Virgin Atlantic I had dreams off seeing the world.

I was talking to a friend the other day about traveling and the joy you get from it, the feeling of a foreign place, the way your heart skips a beat when the wheels touchdown, the excitement of exploring a city no matter how many times you have been there!

Do you know what I am confused about?the people that don’t feel this, the lack of wanderlust. It breaks my heart that people don’t want to see what’s out there. There is only so much one can grow being stuck in one place. It’s like a pot plant, the plant will never grow to its full potential if it’s never taken out of the pot and planted in a bigger one, in a flowered.I’m not asking that people go all over the world, I’m asking people to just get a passport, take the first step. Get in the car and drive somewhere. See new places, try new things.

My big boss, Sir Richard Branson once said “there isn’t a flight that goes by when I don’t stare out the window and thank my stars for what I am seeing and feeling”. I agree with him, I love that feeling!


2016 – Manifest a year of richness

2016 is here and there is no turning back, it’s another year to make the choices that change your life.


I was enjoying my last day of being lazy over the weekend and was trolling the internet and Facebook when I came across one of those quizzes that apparently tell you how your 2016 is going to turn out. Apparently mine will consist of the following:

  1. Buy dream car
  2. Reunite with an old friend
  3. Travel to 3 new countries
  4. Become a millionaire
  5. Write a best-selling book


I sat on the sun lounger and had a bit of a laugh with the predictions, but after a while I thought about them and realised that some of them couldn’t be far off.

  1. Buy dream car .

This one il put on ice for a while, so many things I need before I actually or need a new car.

  1. Reunite with an old friend .

This one is very possible, I think with time we tend to drift away from friends, not saying that you are no longer friends with the people, life just pushes you in different directions.  There are many people that I think of regularly send the odd message but we never seem to make plans, this is the year for plans and committing! Often these old friends were there for you when your “new” friends weren’t.  So yes…. Lets reunite with old friends!

  1. Travel to 3 new countries .

YES, big yes!! The urge to travel burns deep, even though I travel  lot for work, I still want to travel more. I know that this year I will be travelling to London, Dubai, which I have been to already. I am off to LA, Vegas and Chicago, not a new country, but still a new destination.  I have my mind set on the following new countries this year.

  • Hong Kong to visit my Barb.
  • Bali to celebrate a friends 30
  • Paris, a place I have always wanted to go to.

So number 3 seems easy enough, 3 new countries coming my way!

  1. Become a millionaire.

This one seems a bit harder, maybe I win the lotto. I then began to think about this one, richness doesn’t come from money alone. Richness comes from experiences, personal triumphs and growth.  If I can accomplish 2 and 3 then I can become richer! A millionaire in experience’s. ( I still wouldn’t mind winning the lotto then I can do number 1 )

  1. Write a best-selling book

Hhhhhmmmm, let’s think about this one, my essays at school were never top of the class, always battled to write the minimum 500 words.  Maybe it can be a “digital book” and by “digital book” I mean my blog…..

When I first got my job at Virgin Atlantic I went and bought a journal, thinking that I need write down the journeys, adventures and experience’s that were about to come my way. Guess what, I never did. The pages are still empty, maybe this is the push to actually start, I have a backlog of two years so I better get writing, because this year is going to be filled to the brim with adventures.


So maybe Facebook wasn’t far off, looking at my 2016 predictions they look amazing, I believe that focusing and manifesting them they are achievable!

Enjoy 2016 people, make it one for the books…. Best-selling books!!

An #IdealSummer, its all about the destination!

What is Summer?

What is an #IdealSummer?

Is summer a feeling?

An Emotion

A scent?

An outfit ?

Summer is different to many people. Ask anyone what summer is  and summer will mean something else to them!

For me the #IdealSummer is a destination. A place where you go and find yourself! A place where you go to create memories. Create a feeling of euphoria that will stick in your mind and more importantly your heart for the rest of your life. For me summer doesn’t mean a beach, it doesn’t mean endless hours tanning. Summer means an exploration of the soul. Late nights exploring. Days of feasting on what life has to offer.

Spending over 180 hours on planes , travelling over 172840 km’s with, I think it’s fair to say I chase the destination. When asked where my top summer destinations where, I really had to think about it. So many places pull at my heart strings, so many places have given me magical memories, but here are my five that trump all my destinations. SO FAR… I still have a passport that needs filling!!






Why those places? WHY NOT? They are my ultimate!

New York.It just feels right! Uptown, Downtown. Like I said summer for me doesn’t have to be a beach. Summer can be a city! New York, a city that will suck you in, chew you up, spit you out and you will have you running back for more! The energy the city has , is what will make your summer in the city unforgettable, high rise buildings, fast pace energy, enough restaurants that you will never have to visit the same place twice for 15 years! The Highline, Brooklyn, Time Sqaure, Central Park. Get out the centre, stay downtown. Don’t plan, just wander. The City grit will have your skin feeling greasy but your soul alive. Keep it fresh with Vichy Purete Thermale fresh cleansing gel!

Barcelona. The Best of both! A magical city. A city that rejuvenates the soul. A city that enthrals your mind and soul. Architecture renowned the world over, colours that will keep your eyes wondering.  A culture that will make you question your own home town. The sun always shines in Barcelona, from beach to the city, Sun Screen is your best friend. Sun Screen Sun Screen. Use Vichy Hydrating Tan Optimiser from when you wake up until you go to sleep, the city has co much offer that you don’t want to think about your skin all day.

London: Call me crazy, maybe it’s the fact that I go to London more times a year then I can count on my fingers, but I LOVE that city! It’s a city that makes you feel at home from the minute you land, a feeling of ease. Maybe its all the south African that live there. Maybe it’s the amalgamation of cultures that roam the streets, making everyone fit in and stand out at the same time. Summer in London is unbelievable. The late sunsets. Strawberries and cream while you watch a grand slam match at Wimbeldon. Pimms and Lemonade at a corner café as the world passes you by. A pint at your local.  Theatre to make anyone feel cultured. The mix of old and modern. A history  that shaped the world as we know it. : You never know who you are going to bump into in London, or where the day or night might take you, use Vichy Eau Thermale, Vichy Thermale Spa water spray to keep your skin looking fresh and clean.

Italy: The home of pizza and pasta. The history of Rome, The fashion of Milan, the rolling hills of Tuscany, the romance of Venice and the sun as its sets into the bluest of blue waters on the Amalfi coast.  Let’s admit it, I think we are all a bit jealous of every Italian we have ever met. If not, then go to Italy. It will make you want to be Italian as you taste your way through the beautiful country. Walking the cobbled streets under the Tuscan sun and shopping the most glamorous of designers. Italy will steal your heart.  Use Vichy NEW IDÉAL SOLEIL OIL SPF 20 to keep your skin moisturised and looking as glowing and gorgeous as every Italian, they only leather you want in Italy is shoes not skin.

Cape Town: Need I say more? Its Cape Town, one of the most beautiful places in the world. Paradise on our doorstep. It has anything and everything for the ideal summer destination. Days on the beach will leave your skin golden, but a bit of Vichy Tan optimizing hydrating face gel fluid will keep you looking glamorous from Camps Bay to cocktails at Caprice.

Stand the chance of winning one of six R1500 Vichy product hampers for an #IdealSummer

Follow /VichySouthAfrica on Facebook or at @VichySA on Twitter for details on how to enter.



A different side to London – Part 3. Market treats

I’m back in London, sitting in my hotel writing the last post about a different side to London, because I know when I finish writing this post, I’m going into Central London, getting a Starbucks and shopping on Oxford! ( I was in the hotel when I wrote this and I did the above)

After a relatively big night attending a launch and then chasing the party around London all I really wanted to do was stay in bed, order room service and check out at the last minute. As many times as I want to do that I always feel too bad. After all it is London and there are just to0 many things to do and see!

I made my way down to Borough Market with a few friends. You might know them. The KFM breakfast team.  I was so glad I did, I had never been to this market. Take our local Neighbourgoods and put it on steroids, that borough market, Scents and sounds fill the space enough to make you start salivating.


It’s the worst place to go when you are starving, I wanted to eat everything! I landed up going for a good old hot dog; wow… was the best hotdog I have ever had. It was pretty much perfect! The soft roll, a perfectly cooked Buckhurst, some t-sauce, what more do you need?

Take the hotdog and finish it off with the perfect quintessential British drink of Pimms and a wander around,. It was pretty much perfect.  I want to go to this market every time I’m in London just to try everything!


Sibs and I with Pimms in hand.
Sibs and I with Pimms in hand.

A different side to London – Part 1

I started writing this when I got back from London a few days ago, but I had so many things I wanted to say and then they weren’t making sense so I closed my computer, walked away and forgot about it, well I didn’t really forget about it, I am reminded every day I go through pictures on my phone and various Instagram feeds!

Everyone has their own London. My London normally consists of Starbucks Coffee, Oxford Street Shopping, Pret Lunch, Selfridges Salivating and a room service meal and the same again the next day.

My last London trip was so much fun, I can’t give away too much yet, like who I took and the main reason we were there but what I can do is share some of the different experiences. As London goes for me its always a whirlwind, hurricane Dazza, sweeps in, maxes out credit cards and leaves with Starbucks cups and till slips rolling behind.

This time it was different, I arrived with my “wolf pack” , we dropped our bags and made our way to the closest tube station, first stop, Shoreditch, one of the coolest, trendiest non tourist filled places in London.  As our stomachs grumbled, because we did eat enough or try every meal in the revivals lounge, we made an A line for Dishoom.


An intriguing Indian restaurant with an outdoor terrace old person modern hipster patio vibe (if that makes sense). I’m really not one for Indian food, it’s never on the top of my list, but I was happy to oblige because the gloomy weather called for warmth. I opened the menu and to be honest nothing jumped out at me until the waiter handed me the breakfast menu, he was like a knight in shining armour, you will know why if you try the explosion of heaven that happened in my mouth about 15 minutes later.

Everyone loves Naan bread, and everyone loves bacon, now combine those two to form a bacon naan breakfast roll… yes, you read write, a bacon naan roll. Typing this is making me drool just thinking about it.  If we could have we would have ordered more.


The breakfast service was done and so were we, but we weren’t done with breakfast just yet! After all breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not eat it again at lunch time.

Stay tuned for Chapter two of the breakfast adventures!



Mont Rochelle – A little piece of heaven

As I sat at the airport sipping on my coffee and getting my travel essentials ready ( at least 2 magazines, a good playlist and a bottle of water) .

My domestic travel essentials, two mags, a coffee and a killer playlist!
My domestic travel essentials, two mags, a coffee and a killer playlist!

I came to the realisation that I need to branch out in terms of my blog interests, yes I love talking about fashion but I am fortunate enough to travel the world! Yet I never speak about my destinations and experience’s! I might give you some travel tips, but that’s all you ever hear about my adventures!

So here goes! As they say local is lekker, in this case local is luxury. Richard Branson owns a multitude of properties around the world; the most well know one being Necker Island, but they stretch far and wide across the globe.  I got to visit one of my favourite places in South Africa last weekend, and no I’m not bias because my boss owns it, It really is such a special place. I spent the weekend at Mont Rochelle, Sir Richard Branson’s hotel and vineyard in Franschhoek.


It is a little piece of heaven, with only 22 rooms you are treated like royalty from the second you arrive to the second you drive out the gates. The rooms are amazing, the décor is simply outstanding, all the rooms are different, with signature accents colours and little accents that will make you smile!

The stylish and chic lounge area
The stylish and chic lounge area
My room with the view of the vineyards!
My room with the view of the vineyards!
The biggest shower EVER!
The biggest shower EVER!

The food in both restaurants is out of this world and will leave you a few kg’s heavier, but with food you need good wine! Mont Rochelle has its own wine label with a special blend designed specifically for the property, so delicious ( oooh and you get bottles in your room, for free, the mini bar is all free)

Meze board at County Kitchen to compliment the wine tasting!
Meze board at County Kitchen to compliment the wine tasting!

It really is a special place; if you ever get the chance please go! Even if it’s for Lunch and wine tasting, I can’t wait for my next trip, the tennis court and outdoor cinema will be ready!!

The French Bulldogs in the bar area are my best!
The French Bulldogs in the bar area are my best!


Travel Tips….Its what I do!

The other day my friend Roxy Burger asked me for my top five travel tips for her website, I jumped at the opportunity and sent her my five tips in five minutes.

I am in a very privileged position to be able to travel as much as I do, and my tips are something that have become routine to me .


I live by these and a few more for every trip.

Here’s what I sent to Roxy:

1) Black is the new black! Try wear all black when traveling, black jeans, blazer and t-shirt, always looks smart and its fine if you mess your plane food, a few wipes and you wouldn’t see it. (Always carry wet wipes!) Comfy can also be smart!

2) As soon as you arrive hang your clothes up in the bathroom and put a hot shower on. An easy, and often cost effective way, to get rid of the creases. No hotel laundry bills!

3) Always take a blue or black blazer and dark smart jeans. Such versatile items! Those key pieces can smarten up most outfits.

4) Plan properly! Write down the days and the outfits you need. Take pieces you can mix and get more than one wear out of. If you write down your outfits and stick to that you will never over pack!

5) Champagne on a plane, or any alcohol for that matter, may be glamorous but drink lots of water! Stay hydrated, it helps with jet lag. Most airlines don’t give you bottles of water in economy (we do) but buy a bottle of water after passport control and take it with! You can always fill it up at the fountains onboard!

And just an extra one…

Don’t pack like a tourist! You never know who you going to meet or where you going to “Land Up”! I once had coffee with Bastille and met Mel C and am glad I wasn’t sporting a track top. You never know what could be around the next corner.

Roxy’s site is full of amazing and interesting pieces from fashion, travel and brilliant and intellectual opinion pieces. have a look here RoxyBurger.co.za