Tag Archives: borough market

A different side to London – Part 3. Market treats

I’m back in London, sitting in my hotel writing the last post about a different side to London, because I know when I finish writing this post, I’m going into Central London, getting a Starbucks and shopping on Oxford! ( I was in the hotel when I wrote this and I did the above)

After a relatively big night attending a launch and then chasing the party around London all I really wanted to do was stay in bed, order room service and check out at the last minute. As many times as I want to do that I always feel too bad. After all it is London and there are just to0 many things to do and see!

I made my way down to Borough Market with a few friends. You might know them. The KFM breakfast team.  I was so glad I did, I had never been to this market. Take our local Neighbourgoods and put it on steroids, that borough market, Scents and sounds fill the space enough to make you start salivating.


It’s the worst place to go when you are starving, I wanted to eat everything! I landed up going for a good old hot dog; wow… was the best hotdog I have ever had. It was pretty much perfect! The soft roll, a perfectly cooked Buckhurst, some t-sauce, what more do you need?

Take the hotdog and finish it off with the perfect quintessential British drink of Pimms and a wander around,. It was pretty much perfect.  I want to go to this market every time I’m in London just to try everything!


Sibs and I with Pimms in hand.
Sibs and I with Pimms in hand.