Tag Archives: hong kong

2016 – Manifest a year of richness

2016 is here and there is no turning back, it’s another year to make the choices that change your life.


I was enjoying my last day of being lazy over the weekend and was trolling the internet and Facebook when I came across one of those quizzes that apparently tell you how your 2016 is going to turn out. Apparently mine will consist of the following:

  1. Buy dream car
  2. Reunite with an old friend
  3. Travel to 3 new countries
  4. Become a millionaire
  5. Write a best-selling book


I sat on the sun lounger and had a bit of a laugh with the predictions, but after a while I thought about them and realised that some of them couldn’t be far off.

  1. Buy dream car .

This one il put on ice for a while, so many things I need before I actually or need a new car.

  1. Reunite with an old friend .

This one is very possible, I think with time we tend to drift away from friends, not saying that you are no longer friends with the people, life just pushes you in different directions.  There are many people that I think of regularly send the odd message but we never seem to make plans, this is the year for plans and committing! Often these old friends were there for you when your “new” friends weren’t.  So yes…. Lets reunite with old friends!

  1. Travel to 3 new countries .

YES, big yes!! The urge to travel burns deep, even though I travel  lot for work, I still want to travel more. I know that this year I will be travelling to London, Dubai, which I have been to already. I am off to LA, Vegas and Chicago, not a new country, but still a new destination.  I have my mind set on the following new countries this year.

  • Hong Kong to visit my Barb.
  • Bali to celebrate a friends 30
  • Paris, a place I have always wanted to go to.

So number 3 seems easy enough, 3 new countries coming my way!

  1. Become a millionaire.

This one seems a bit harder, maybe I win the lotto. I then began to think about this one, richness doesn’t come from money alone. Richness comes from experiences, personal triumphs and growth.  If I can accomplish 2 and 3 then I can become richer! A millionaire in experience’s. ( I still wouldn’t mind winning the lotto then I can do number 1 )

  1. Write a best-selling book

Hhhhhmmmm, let’s think about this one, my essays at school were never top of the class, always battled to write the minimum 500 words.  Maybe it can be a “digital book” and by “digital book” I mean my blog…..

When I first got my job at Virgin Atlantic I went and bought a journal, thinking that I need write down the journeys, adventures and experience’s that were about to come my way. Guess what, I never did. The pages are still empty, maybe this is the push to actually start, I have a backlog of two years so I better get writing, because this year is going to be filled to the brim with adventures.


So maybe Facebook wasn’t far off, looking at my 2016 predictions they look amazing, I believe that focusing and manifesting them they are achievable!

Enjoy 2016 people, make it one for the books…. Best-selling books!!