Tag Archives: Dubai

Packing is a fine art!

I have blogged about this on my page before, on other blogs and given my tips to magazines. With the amount of traveling I do, I think I have finally got my packing down to a tee.

Before I started working at virgin Atlantic I would throw things into a bag without even planning and then throw extra just in case. Now my packing isn’t done until everything is completely worked out, a plan of action is in place!

The planning process actually takes longer than packing but when you jet off it’s all done and ready saving you time and headaches when you get there.

Here is a sneak peak into what happens. Tomorrow I am off to London, for 1 night, yes one night, 2 days but that requires 4 outfit changes, then off to Dubai for a week, where its work but it often turns into a bit of a social meeting with my friends from the rest of the world.In London I keep it simple, it’s black, more black, planned black topped off with black. Black always makes someone look stylish, and in London everyone is way more stylish than us down in SA!Every outfit is planned from head to toe and I do not or rather cannot change my mind. It also allows me that extra 10 Minute sleep in.


Here’s a snap of my plan, the whole outfit goes into the bag together, then when I reach my destination, all unpacked, on hangers in the bathroom with the shower on full, so it gives it a steam for me.


Il keep you up to date on the trip, this one is going to be an exciting one. Check in tomorrow where I will let you know what’s happening!


Dont Plan, Just live!!

I know we are nearly at the end of Feb and this is my 1st blog post of 2015, but its been a crazy start to the year,

I had the 1st few months of 2015 planned to a T, I was going to go back to work and exceed any expectation from last year, I was going to plan a killer 30th Birthday party (yes im turning 30), I was going to go to places, Paris for mine and my mom’s birthday, Greece, Ibiza, I was going to live my 30th year to the fullest! Oh and I was going to buy Louboutins in Paris!!

After returning from an insane December holiday in Cape town where every day consisted of Veuve, Parties and getting dressed up, my life came to a grinding halt, when I had to rush my mom to hospital as soon as I returned.

My life was shattered, my every meaning to exist lay in the hands of doctors, my mom, my everything was dying. Every night I left the hospital felt like I was saying a final goodbye. My mom was on life support, I felt like I should have been on support to, as my mom is my life support.
My world had stopped.
Every Plan was out the window
My life existed from visiting hour to visiting hour…

But the Bitch is back, 2 weeks in hospital, drips, pipes, tubes… the Bitch is back, a slow recovery until now and more ahead, but we are on the mend and my life is slowly starting to get back in the swing of things…

I received support from my friends that I would never be able to pay back in a million life times!

Yes the plans to see the world need to be changed, and the Louboutins on hold, but I would rather have my mom around than a pair of shoes!

But I’m back, here we go,

What does 2015 have in store for me?
I don’t know!

All I know is that this year I will!

Turn 30
Visit Dubai
Explore New York
Celebrate in Greece
Experience London (again and again and again, I do love the City)
Love my Mom more than I ever have ( Seems impossible)
Make Family a priorty
Make friends count
Make a difference