Tag Archives: travel tips

Packing is a fine art!

I have blogged about this on my page before, on other blogs and given my tips to magazines. With the amount of traveling I do, I think I have finally got my packing down to a tee.

Before I started working at virgin Atlantic I would throw things into a bag without even planning and then throw extra just in case. Now my packing isn’t done until everything is completely worked out, a plan of action is in place!

The planning process actually takes longer than packing but when you jet off it’s all done and ready saving you time and headaches when you get there.

Here is a sneak peak into what happens. Tomorrow I am off to London, for 1 night, yes one night, 2 days but that requires 4 outfit changes, then off to Dubai for a week, where its work but it often turns into a bit of a social meeting with my friends from the rest of the world.In London I keep it simple, it’s black, more black, planned black topped off with black. Black always makes someone look stylish, and in London everyone is way more stylish than us down in SA!Every outfit is planned from head to toe and I do not or rather cannot change my mind. It also allows me that extra 10 Minute sleep in.


Here’s a snap of my plan, the whole outfit goes into the bag together, then when I reach my destination, all unpacked, on hangers in the bathroom with the shower on full, so it gives it a steam for me.


Il keep you up to date on the trip, this one is going to be an exciting one. Check in tomorrow where I will let you know what’s happening!


Travel Tips….Its what I do!

The other day my friend Roxy Burger asked me for my top five travel tips for her website, I jumped at the opportunity and sent her my five tips in five minutes.

I am in a very privileged position to be able to travel as much as I do, and my tips are something that have become routine to me .


I live by these and a few more for every trip.

Here’s what I sent to Roxy:

1) Black is the new black! Try wear all black when traveling, black jeans, blazer and t-shirt, always looks smart and its fine if you mess your plane food, a few wipes and you wouldn’t see it. (Always carry wet wipes!) Comfy can also be smart!

2) As soon as you arrive hang your clothes up in the bathroom and put a hot shower on. An easy, and often cost effective way, to get rid of the creases. No hotel laundry bills!

3) Always take a blue or black blazer and dark smart jeans. Such versatile items! Those key pieces can smarten up most outfits.

4) Plan properly! Write down the days and the outfits you need. Take pieces you can mix and get more than one wear out of. If you write down your outfits and stick to that you will never over pack!

5) Champagne on a plane, or any alcohol for that matter, may be glamorous but drink lots of water! Stay hydrated, it helps with jet lag. Most airlines don’t give you bottles of water in economy (we do) but buy a bottle of water after passport control and take it with! You can always fill it up at the fountains onboard!

And just an extra one…

Don’t pack like a tourist! You never know who you going to meet or where you going to “Land Up”! I once had coffee with Bastille and met Mel C and am glad I wasn’t sporting a track top. You never know what could be around the next corner.

Roxy’s site is full of amazing and interesting pieces from fashion, travel and brilliant and intellectual opinion pieces. have a look here RoxyBurger.co.za